Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why Christians Appear to Be Such D-bags

Imagine you have a younger son/daughter. And you love them. And their beautiful. But they are naive. At a young age of 3 there is so much they don't know. Not due to ignorance, just lack of experience. As you're cooking you look over and smirk out of love as you watch your child teeter across the kitchen. You walk over to get some veggies out of the fridge and turn around to see your gorgeous baby reaching for the fiery red stove you have left on. You react in an instant by yelling across the kitchen: "NO!". You try to reach towards them but you look down to see your feet are stuck to the floor. You continue to yell and scream, "No! Don't! Please!" But there's nothing you can do but stand and watch them burn themselves and cry out in pain.

Now imagine the feeling this gives you. When Christians have a person in their lives who is not saved, this is how they feel. Please, resist the urge to be annoyed and/or judge. I want you to understand WHY we do what we do.

With Christians, it's not about what we personally feel. It's not about what's politically correct or not offending people. We see things as either Truth, or not. A truth we believe in is that there is a Heaven and there is a Hell. There is God and angels, and there is an Enemy and demons.

Some Christians may sugar coat it and leave it open ended but the bottom line is, the time we have on this earth is life or death. People get so offended when a Christian offers prayer to them or relentlessly invites them to church or when they try to tell them about Jesus. But if you understood their heart behind it, you would be flattered. We're not trying to increase the count of Christians. That's not our goal. Our goal is to help save people.

You may get annoyed and stop liking us, but we're willing to accept those consequences if it means you get to go to Heaven.

That's the big idea. But even if you take the Heaven/Hell deal out, there are still so many reasons to tell you about Jesus. The healing that He brings. The motivation the He grows in you. You know when you love something so much that you just want to squeal and jump up and down? That's how it is EVERY WEEK at church when you choose to worship Him.

My favorite thing about Christ, is that he makes you more of yourself than you could ever do on your own. When you give everything over to Him he gives it back ten-fold. He nurtures your gifts and talents and allows you to use them in unique ways that you love...

I'm getting a little mushy.

*I didn't write this to make Christians seem like awesome people, and I didn't write this in an attempt to covert anyone. I wrote it in hopes that you might get a glimpse of our honest hearts behind our words and actions.

So please don't be so angry when a person get's in your face about The Gospels (The good news) or Jesus, because underneath all the obnoxious tshirts and flyers, they do love you.

 (I can't possibly speak for every Christian, but these thoughts are biblical) 


  1. No need to "save" me. I do not wanna Follow a 2000 year old Book about a false Prophet named Jesus.

    I will use the Text and Laws of the bible and Prove Jesus was a false prophet.

    Mark 13:28-30, around this point Jesus is talking to his disciples, they speak of sorta a mini Apocalypse, and take note to the line Mark 13 30. he says "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place"

    well the 2nd coming of Jesus NEVER came. in fact we are still waiting for it to this day for some reason.

    well then lets take a look at deuteronomy 18 22. it says "when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him."

    Jesus said Something would happen IN the current generation. it didn't happen. according to Gods word in deuteronomy 18 22 he is labeled as a false Prophet.

    sorry us atheist Blow holes in your holy book. we care too much about your short time on earth to let you mindlessly follow a book of lies.

  2. Why do atheists always act like they're so much smarter and more educated?

  3. @mindy
    because Christianity,as well as most religions, has Rejected the Theory of Evolution. even though it is a FACT among Scientific communities. any field of Science, Biology, zoology, astronomy, etc. use it to great effect. but because it doesn't follow the bibles Creation story its apparently wrong.
    we use Logic and and Reason, ex when we question the bible it cant hold its ground. my Previous example shows that Jesus was a false Prophet. its just one of many Contradictions and fallacy s in the bible.

  4. Dearest Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous...

    Firstly, I'd like to say that I didn't write this blog to prove or disprove Christianity. No one asked you to "Follow a 2000 year old Book about a false Prophet named Jesus." I clearly said in my blog that that was not the purpose of it. I merely wanted to explain reasoning why some Christians so what they do..

    I didn't even ask that you agree or change your mind.

    But nonetheless, you found some reason to call me (and my faith) out.

    Here are a few tips to help you out in the future:

    1. When a writer states they didn't post something for controversy, they are most likely not going to hear arguments. (You actually lucked out this time because I appreciate arguments because they help strengthen my faith)

    2. When attempting to sound intelligent, please for the love of all that is holy, punctuate your text. I was struggling just to understand what you were trying to say. The least you can do is copy and paste it into a word processes and fix all the things with the green or red squiggly lines underneath.

    3. Arguing politics and religion over the internet is pretty much useless unless doing it for the fun of debate.

    I've been a Christian my entire life. That's nearly 20 years. I've read almost 95% of the entire bible, including many parts that I've read several times. Not only have I read it, but I've attended study groups and sermons that teach me what I'm reading.

    When you spit scripture at a Christian, it's not something new. Do you think that I've never read those passages before? Do you really think that taking a few casual minutes to quote some scripture, that you probably found on some random blog or youtube video, would change my mind?

    Can you honestly sit there and think that billions of people who believe in Christianity hundreds of years ago and today are all wrong due to this one statement. CS Lewis and Mother Teresa, two of the worlds most intelligent respected people in history, just skipped over that bit?

    A couple more things.

    If you have learned nothing from the rapture scares, is that the bible clearly states that no on knows when the end of times will come. This scripture was taken out of context.. why would Jesus continuously reiterate that no one knows the day or time and then give a time limit on when it's going to happen?

    In my bible (NIV) it says that the words 'generation' could also mean "this age" or "this nation"

    Lastly, first you said: "Christianity,as well as most religions, has Rejected the Theory of Evolution." then in the very next sentence you say: "even though it is a FACT among Scientific communities" (*Which, really that whole thing should just be one sentence.. but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you were typing on an ipod or something. Those can be tricky sometimes, what with the auto-correct).

    So if the THEORY of Evolution is so widely accepted as fact, why is the word "Theory" still thrown in there?

    Nevertheless, I mentioned that you could not, in one blog comment, change my mind about something I have believed in my entire life and have thoroughly researched. Not to mention, applying the teachings of Christ and looking to Him for guidance has lead me out of depression, self hatred, self mutilation, loneliness, and unforgiveness (which isn't really a word). So even without all the facts and points, I'm a Christian because it makes life awesome.

    But my point was, I don't plan on changing your mind in the one blog comment either. In fact, I bet whilst reading this you've already found more points on which you want to build your argument on. You might even be thinking of something different you might want to say because you feel like you HAVE to respond or else I'll 'win' some non-existent game you think we're playing here.

  5. (Continued for @Anonymous)

    Heck, you might even be SO excited to be getting some stuff off your chest because of all the Jesus crap I post on my facebook, and you finally found an anonymous way to do it...

    But pleaseeeeeee... pretty pretty please with a cherry on top: Don't. I can even say that you won if it means you won't. If that's what you want.

    I don't follow Christ so I can rub it in everyone's face. It's like when you first start dating someone and your so happy that you post pictures and blogs about them.. I'm just in love.

    Let me be in love.

  6. First off I want to say what a great insight to a Christians heart. It is
    unfortunate that there are Christians out there that are all about finger
    pointing and not about the greatest of all commandment according to Jesus, to
    love God with all you are and to love your neighbor as yourself. I love this
    because it means that I don't need to hate Anonymous because of their different
    opinion. In fact it means out of a heart of love that I can tell Anonymous that
    you should read all of the content around the verses in the bible that you
    choose to use to prove Jesus wrong.

    1. Mark 13:28-30 if you would have taken the time to read the text before this
    verse you would have seen that Jesus was not talking about the people he was
    talking to but about the people that will see those series of events in their life time. That will be the generation that will not pass away. This means that the verse you chose
    in Dutiranamy holds no water in your example since obviously those events have
    not happened. Therefore Jesus is not a false prophet. By the way Jesus uses a
    ton of symbols in his parables ie. my faith is not literally a mustard seed, you
    may want to keep that in mind. Don't worry a lot of great teachers through out
    time have done this it is totally legit, think Shakespeare.

    2. Even science has it's limitation when trying to explain the beginnings of our
    universe. All of us are taught in Science class about cause and effect, there
    does come a place in science when our human knowledge ceases to understand how
    everything came to be. I don't know about you but logically that tells me that
    there is a cause out there that I cannot fathom, why can't it be God? It makes
    just as much sense as anything else.

    3. There are many different doctrines throughout the Christian church, but the
    bottom line is that we all believe that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the
    world and therefor we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. I suggest that after
    you have truly studied the bible, instead of having like minded people spoon
    feed you verses that you believe will prove your point, that you take time to
    learn about the beliefs of the over 38000 denominations of Christianity. Trust
    me many of them are scientific as well as believing that God is the cause behind
    the science.

    I believe you were designed by a God that gave you complete free will. Free will
    to educate yourself with the truth about different religion. (p.s. Truth is not
    just what YOU choose to be true, science teaches us that) Free will to take
    millions if not billions of people and to stereotype them. Freedom for me to
    love an anonymous blogger despite the fact that they might be closed minded and
    ignorant to others beliefs.

  7. @Crystal..
    Wonderful! Haha.. I love the last little bit about truth. <3
