Thursday, June 23, 2011

As a Teenager I'm just FULL of Wisdom

I've realized that this has gone from a blog where I can spill out my thoughts to a place where I can publicly complain without people actually knowing what exactly I'm talking about..

People are constantly looking for these programs and systems and guides to better their lives. To get money, to loose weight, to make friends, to become a better person,

All these website we can join and we constantly complain to our friends and families about how hard we have it. And I say "we" because I partake in it. I can't tell you how long I've been trying to lose weight. Since nearly junior high I've been going on diets. My weight has been more up-and-down in these past few years, than pregnant women go through.

But the thing I hate most is that we know how to get what we want. We know the answer. You want to make money? Stop blowing it all on foolish stuff and work harder. You want to make friends? Be nicer and join a club. You want to loose weight? Stop eating the greasy fatty things and exercise more.

I know the first thing you want to do is complain about how your situation is different and special and unique. That the reason you can't make friends is because you're not outgoing and you're not funny. BULL CRAP. You think only outgoing and funny people make friends?? Outgoing and funny people do make loads of friends but half of them are strictly ONLY their friend because they are outgoing and funny. But when it comes to needing someone who will stay when life gets rough, and when the 'outgoing and funny' is gone for a moment and is covered with sadness and hurt, and they're no longer in an entertaining mood, people flee... (That was a huge run on sentence and I apologize).

When I'm being funny and jumping around and cracking jokes, people love to stand around and laugh. But the ONE time I say that I'm having a bad day people pat me on my back, say their sorry, and leave. My text messages aren't answered and everyone's busy. So cherish the relationships that you have and stop trying to find the next best thing.

And lastly, the best advice I could ever give is: Take advice. When you're down the thing you're most prone to do is want to be down. People will try to lift you up and all you do is shoot down their advice. Why do we do this? God knows.. but we do it. It's almost like we like like being sad or something.

And don't get angry when someone is trying to help you. When you know someone is making sense, stop trying to turn it back on them like they're the ones with the problem. If you get mad about it, then there is probably a hint of truth in what their saying.


  1. You're amazing :) I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Text me whenever and I promise I'll text you back and help you with whatever you need. Love you!

  2. I love this and 100% agree! What a good reminder for us all :)

  3. @Lauren&Amanda.. thanks guys!
    Haha.. I actually didn't think anyone read this.

    I was in a crummy mood tonight, so sorry if it came off a little cranky!
