Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Calling

So I remember watching this video a while ago whenever all of these types of videos were popular and I remember the part at :52 where she is flipping through the bible to a random page and praying that God will give her some insight through wherever her finger landed.

I thought this was hilarious because I've totally done it.. several times. I never really get much from it. Sometimes were so desperate to hear from God that we do silly things like that.

But recently I've been praying that God would guide me to a place to read. I would go to the first book and chapter that popped into my mind. It was frustrating because it would always be the same book and  nearly always the same chapter. I would read from it and it was nice and all but it never really spoke to me.

Finally I decided to just invest the next couple of weeks to reading and re-reading this book which is 1 Peter, and it's been really great! There have been some really good gems in there and nearly every time I read something, I find some way of executing what I learn the next day. I read something one day and it'll just be a bunch of words and then the next it will be very profound.

(I would like to encourage you to pick a book in the Bible and spend the next couple of weeks doing the same thing.)

I pray before I start that I will learn something and then I pray after for assistance in executing what I've learned.

What I stumbled upon today, (and what motivated me to write this blog entry) is 1 Peter 5:10-11. What is reads in the NIV (which I'm reading from) is:

"10 God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity  can flow through you. 11 Are you called to be a speaker? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Are you called to help others? Do it will all the strength and energy that God supplies..."

I realized that I have been telling everyone that I have been called to do theatre. Have I been doing theatre like Christ would? I would like to say yes to this, but I don't think I can. I have realized that if this is my calling, it's my obligation to pursue it as I would pursue Christ. I can't just do it half-heartedly and expect to change life. I have to be radical. I have to go above and beyond and excel in my school work. I MUST be good. Theatre is a type of major that always tells you to do you best and do things at your own pace. That there isn't really "bad" or "wrong" and it takes the pressure off of really having to try hard. Well today is the last day that I purse my calling hal-way. From now on, I am going above and beyond everything. (At least I'm going to try)

Are you pursuing your calling like you pursue Christ?

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