Quick summary: I believe God is calling me to attend the Hillsong College in Australia.
Now, where was I? Oh that's right: Auuuuuuuuustraila.
Why does it still seem so im-friggin-possible?! I mean I talk about it like it's going to happen for sure and that the money for it is just going to magically appear out of no where but I still can't really imagine it happening.
It's like this. Say your mum walks into the room and says "Hey sweetie. You have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning at 9am. Make sure and floss"
Now you have no problem imagining or believing it's going to happen. Just how you know in your head that you're going to wake up tomorrow, you get it in your head that you are going to the dentist... no biggie.
Now imagine your mum walked up to you and says "Hey darling, I just bought a lotto ticket and I'm going to be winning the lottery tomorrow."
Although this may not correlate well because me planning on doing something crazy, and me hoping something crazy will happen are quite different. But stuff like that just sounds so outlandish you can't imagine it until it's actually happening and blowing your mind.
Basically, I am terrified. For oh so many things. Firstly that I won't be able to raise the money to go and secondly that I will raise the money to go and be a billion miles away from my friends and family. (Pardon the extreme exaggeration)
And BECAUSE of this crazy Australia thing I have to decide if I want to keep going to school this coming semester or get a second job and start saving up for that.. uhggg. Welp. I guess just continue to pray with me on this wacked out journey. Once I start getting my act together and plan for the madness, I shall be making vlogs.
So if you're for some odd reason still reading this and have any interest in that, keep checking in and I'll keep you updated.
kthxbywe ;)